“… you wanna share a room?” me je nasmejano vprašal. Jaz pa prilično prestrašen, z neurejenimi mislimi. Zakaj hudiča so me ti prijazni Indijci pravkar vrgli iz hotela? “Sure man, I’m in!” mu odgovorim … in greva skupaj. Petdnevni Mumbai avanturi naproti. Kai iz Singapurja. Eden lepših spominov iz Indije.
Vsem s katerimi je preživel nekaj časa v Indiji, je pravkar poslal pismo. Z njegovim dovoljenjem ga delim z vami:
Not that I’ve no friends back home, but just wanna let all of you know that I’ve been missing you, loads.
My india trip has been nothing short of fucking incredible. From the eclectic mix of Mumbai’s million subcultures, and the hippies and stoners of Goa’s Arambol, I managed to make my way to Hampi, Kerala, Kanyakumari, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, Pushka, Delhi, Dharamsala, Varanasi and Agra. I’ve seen the beaches, backwaters, deserts, mountains and Indian spirituality, often accompanied by Indian filth. The sights were breathtaking, but the people I’ve met, you, were, and still are, fucking beautiful.
Many of you has been great company, making sure I was never alone and always had someone to share my drugs and joy with. More importantly, it’s you that have made me realise that the world is full of solid, ace peeps. People that are chilled out, easy-going, adventurous, sincere, and naturally nice and wise.
It’s been 8 days since I’ve gotten home, and it’s really a little different in cosmopolitan Singapore. I’m suffering from a severe Indian hangover, pasting Shiva stickers all over my room, listening to loads of Mantras and dubstep, hanging prayer flags all across my ceiling, and dreaming about the good times we’ve shared with one another.
Thanks for being the “in” of my incredible india trip. And wherever you are right now, I sincerely hope that you are still enjoying the time of your life and smiling everyday. Do send me some updates on your lives, however mundane they might be, whether you have been having fun or not.
And I’m seriously planning to move to London next spring / summer. So if you need a writer, I’m up for it. And I’ll be visiting all you european white people soon. Love loads.
Kai – the pioneer of good times.
To se ceni…
Takim ljudem bi z veseljem segel v roko jih povabil na čaj in poklepetal z njimi.
Zelo lepa gesta, ki lahko vodi v dolgotrajno prijateljstvo, pa čeprav smo fizično zelo oddaljeni.
Ampak vse te razdalje ne pomenijo nič, več!!
res je. nikoli še nisem imel priložnosti nekoga tujega tako pogrešati in se veseliti ponovnega srečanja z njim …